Fucked in Front of Everyone!【電子書籍】[ Dana Brown ]

食材通販の「My Favorite Life」の食材通販の「My Favorite Life」
食材通販の「My Favorite Life」 として ・焼肉・ホームパーティー・などを特集中
食材通販の「My Favorite Life」 : | 焼肉| ホームパーティー|


食材通販の「My Favorite Life」




<p>The music kept throbbing and she smiled and lost herself in the notes. Sarah looked down at her clothes, smiling when she saw herself glow under the black light. She wanted to dress up for her first rave so she wore a skimpy white tank top and booty shorts that were far too high to be worn in public. Good thing this wasn't public. Her petite, perfect-handful breasts pushed against the tight top she was wearing. Her hair was pulled back into a long, blonde ponytail that flipped and flared around with every movement of her body as if it had a mind of its own.</p> <p>Sarah saw her friend Nicole dance with a guy a few feet away and she smiled. Maybe she'd be nice enough to share?</p> <p>Nicole was awesome and was one of Sarah's best friends. She knew so many college guys and she was the reason Sarah was invited in the first place. She was really sexy too, and thinking about her made Sarah excited. She had raven-black hair, big hips and large bust. Tonight, she wore a very thin black dress that rode up whenever she ground into the dancing guy behind her. It was a shame that she spent her time with so many guys. Sarah always wondered if she liked girls... She grinned to herself and bit her lip. Maybe tonight she'd find out?</p> <p>Sarah waved to Nicole and danced over to her. The guy she picked was a pretty good choice too ー tall, muscular. Probably on some varsity football team. He had really pretty blue eyes, dark brown hair, and a sly grin that turned Sarah on almost as much as her friend did. When she reached the two dancers, she gently brushed a hand on them both and smiled.</p> <p>"Hey Nicole!"</p> <p>"Sarah!" Nicole replied, giving her a long, tight hug.</p> <p>"How's it going?" Sarah asked, playing with her ponytail and giving a few looks in the boy's direction.</p> <p>"Great! Have you met Brett?" Nicole turned around and grabbed the boy by the arm, pulling him closer.</p> <p>"Hey, I'm Sarah" Sarah said, batting her eyelashes. He was so gorgeous! Nicole had a great taste in men, apparently!</p> <p>"Brett," he said, nodding and grinning. "Wanna dance?" He stretched out his arm to her, and Sarah took it.</p> <p>Brett and Nicole both pulled Sarah closer to them, and all three of them started to grind together, their bodies mimicking the thumps and thuds of the heavy dance music around them. Sarah was in the middle and Brett was behind her. Nicole grabbed her hands and wrapped them around her belly and started to grind into her the same way. Sarah couldn't believe it! This night was already looking great!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Fucked in Front of Everyone!【電子書籍】[ Dana Brown ] 1

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