What Time Is It? A Deep Reading of Our Lives throughout the Liturgical Year【電子書籍】[ Gloria O'Toole Ulterino ]

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<p>Do you long for a more life-affirming, enriching faith life? Are you eager to encounter inspiring models of faith? If so, come! Walk the pages of this book through the seasons of the liturgical year. Come and meet Dorothy Day, perhaps in a new way. Come and be inspired by a seemingly ordinary tent-maker, a woman named Prisca, friend of Paul and leader of the early church. Be surprised by a contemporary woman with cerebral palsy, who breathes abundant life into the Good News of Easter . . . or an extraordinary founder of a local hospice movement. In this book, you will discover a deep probing of each season, lived in extraordinary ways by seemingly "ordinary" women. So come, be inspired. Be encouraged for your own life's journey.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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What Time Is It? A Deep Reading of Our Lives throughout the Liturgical Year【電子書籍】[ Gloria O'Toole Ulterino ] 1

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